The Age of Ultron World Premiere

It’s been three long years, but the next installment in The Avengers is finally here. Before the public gets to view what is sure to be another blockbuster by Marvel, the Avengers themselves had themselves a party at the Dolby theater in Los Angeles. I’ve been to several movie premieres before, but none of them matched up to this one. The first thing that surprised me was the crowd. I expected it to be big, but I didn’t expect people would be waiting overnight for this. What also peeved me a little bit was the lack of fan interaction that was going to take place with the celebrities. There was one metal barrier in front of us, about a 30 foot gap before the next barrier, then a throng of media members, then the red carpet itself; so it was practically impossible for fan signings and pictures to take place. With all that, it didn’t stop the energy of the crowd yelling out their adulations when our beloved heroes did arrive.
The first to arrive was one of the newer Avengers in Aaron Taylor-Johnson. It took me a minute or so to recognize him because of his shaggy hair and beard; but it appears that no one else around me did either until I yelled out his name. This would be a recurring event throughout the night. After Quicksilver, everyone started rolling in. As I was turning my head I heard the whispers of, “is that hawkeye?” or “i think that’s Jeremy Renner.” and by the time I saw him I yelled out, “Hi Clint Barton!” Whether or not he actually heard me can be left up for debate, but right when I said that he gave the crowd an energetic wave and stuck his tongue out at us. The biggest roars were saved for the bigger names, but that didn’t deter me from showering everyone with praise. It surprised me no one bothered to acknowledge Joss Whedon when he was being interviewed right in front of us. So I took it upon myself to try to let him know and in the process ask about the return of Firefly. The voice without a face was the next to arrive and he also acknowledged my yells. Paul Bettany will be on camera as The Vision after years of being Tony’s virtual conscience in Jarvis. Then Stan Lee had to show up because none of this would be possible without him. Several Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. came through next and each looked stunning. Chloe Bennet, Ming Na-Wen, and Elizabeth Henstridge were the women I saw and was floored by their looks. Lady Sif also was with them and is definitely a goddess off screen as well. Though I have to say when Scarlett Johansson showed up she took the crown as far as best looking of the night. Needless to say, the men were able to hold their own. Mark Ruffalo looked the most eager to hop the barriers so that he could come over to fans to interact with us. Then when Chris Evans showed he was every bit a meatball like he’s come off during interviews and the like. Not to be outdone, Chris Hemsworth followed shortly after in what appeared to be a matching suit. One former S.H.I.E.L.D. director and his trusted assistant also made grand appearances. Cobie Smulders seems to be doing well and was still astonished by the fans gathering for them. Then Director Fury himself showed up in what could very well be one of his last Marvel premieres. Samuel L. Jackson was one of the originators that started linking this universe together and it’s only a matter of time before he can go on no longer. And no premiere would be complete without Robert Downey Jr. showing up last in his own car. He had to rush through the interview circuit so they could start the viewing of Age of Ultron but that didn’t stop him from acknowledging the crowd at every chance he could. And with that, they were ushered into the theater and the crowd began to disperse. Before I decided to head home, I noticed a red figure on the far end of the carpet and decided to check it out. It turns out it would be a scale model of the Hulkbuster armor used in the movie. With that, I took my final pictures and walked away from the lights as I, and everyone else, awaits these last 2 weeks before we get to see the final film.