Mr. Robot

Elliot Alderson is the lost puppy we get to follow around in the psychological thriller Mr. Robot. Summer shows don’t normally get the same hype as fall and spring TV, but this one is well worth it. Our dear Elliot (Rami Malek) is a cyber-security engineer by day and vigilante hacker at night. He’s had a troubled history growing up because he lost his father at a young age and his mother wasn’t exactly the best. His childhood friend Angela (Portia Doubleday) is one of the constants he has to keep him grounded. The company Elliot works for is contracted out to this big financial company called E-Corp; or Evil Corp. Though I’m not quite sure if that’s Elliot’s internal monologue that calls them Evil Corp or if that’s legitimately their name. That’s one thing I loved that the show did; since we were seeing the story from Elliot’s perspective he would interact with the audience with a line or two every once in awhile. Anyway, when E-Corp gets hacked Elliot is called in to fight them at the source. This is when we are introduced to the anonymous-esque group that calls themselves FSociety. Elliot decides to hide their bug in the E-Corp servers and join their crusade. It’s here we are introduced to Mr. Robot (Christian Slater) and Darlene (Carly Chaikin). There are three other minor characters that round out the crew; we have Trenton, (Sunita Mani) Romero, (Ron Cephas Jones) and Mobley, (Azhar Khan). Their main goal is to disrupt Evil Corp and the control they have in the financial world and to set off a chain reaction that could go global. At the same time Elliot is working with FSociety, he still has to go through his day job which is to protect Evil Corp. The higher up’s with them realize Elliot is an asset and they try to recruit him. They’re led by the super douchey Tyrell Wellick (Martin Wallstrom) who gives off an American Psycho Christian Bale type of vibe. His creepiness throughout the season was really cringey but it’s necessary for the narrative of the show. It’s just one of the smarter and fresher shows out there that develops with all the twists along the way. Predictable at times, but at 10 episodes, it was just the right amount. If it stretched to a normal 22 episode order it wouldn’t be as strong. The story flows right along and characters experience some extreme lows and moderate highs by the end. There’s really not much else I can say without revealing plot specifics, so I’ll just say start catching up! Season 2 of Mr. Robot starts this Wednesday July 13.